Theatre School Dropouts
2 seasons
Theatre School Dropouts is a sketch comedy television series created by Spiro Marcos and Maggie Politi. Watch as they gallivant around NYC bringing their bold and zany comedy to the screen. Each episode consists of several pre-taped original skits starring the duo and their gaggle of friends.
Find Love NYC
2 seasons
'Love is in the air, just reach up and grab it!' says Tristan Law of the love consulting firm of Find Love, NYC. Tristan Law and a team of wacky, oddball characters try to help singles find the perfect match, guide them through the dating process, and even help couples maintain their relationship...
Future Boyfriend
Stuart and Kaylie are enjoying their third date until Stuart reveals a secret that threatens to derail their budding romance.
Havana In Bushwick
86 & Lex
Two displaced ex lovers navigate the lonely streets of New York City in search for a definition to describe what their relationship once was.
Starring Will F. Young and Dorie Casper and based on the true stories of real life couple and creators Alex R. Wagner and Chelsea Roach regarding the most...
Deep Dish Apocalypse
As a zombie-riddled Los Angeles erupts in chaos, two co-workers bump into each other beneath the city on an abandoned subway platform. One of them makes a confession, the other makes a move, and both try to escape alive.