TAPE: A Christmas Miracle
8 Episodes
Welcome to Bobienski's Wonderbox Workshop, a pop-up Christmas shop in the basement of the Blumenthal Mall. A Whimsical, wacky and weird world filled with worker elves participating in wrapping competitions, mystery solving, and of course saving humanity, purgatory, and all the beings of Midtopia. Come with us and you'll see what's beneath the Christmas Tree!
16:10Episode 1
Bobienski's Wonderbox Workshop
Episode 1
Welcome Welcome Welcome to Bobienski's Wonderbox Workshop. It's the first day back into the groove of wrapping at the pop up shop. All of the worker elves gather in a competition to find out what their ranking is for this Christmas season.
12:43Episode 2
The Mystery of the Missing Cane
Episode 2
Bobienski ranks his wrappers skill set and ability on his Arbre De Noel and his cane mysteriously goes missing!
16:16Episode 3
So So Rich and A Latte Fun
Episode 3
Kelly Springler is so so so so so rich and Steeley Daniel has is eye on her. Muck and Shmuel concoct a potion to teach Bobienski a lesson.
Presenting Twinkie & Dinky's Candy Grams
Episode 4
Twinkie and Dinky present the wrappers with their annual candy grams while delivering Bobienski a special guest.
13:42Episode 5
The Dark Arts Affinity
Episode 5
Magic shows, Witches, the Occult.
16:36Episode 6
The Babe Inside The Clock
Episode 6
Who exactly dwells on the inside of the clock?
18:03Episode 7
A Pippin Perkins Pete
Episode 7
Pippin Perkins Pete the best wrapping in the Americas comes to the workshop to teach the wrappers her techniques for success!
28:30Episode 8
Barry Blumenthal's Big Soiree
Episode 8
All of the wrappers attend a Christmas Party at Barry Blumenthal's home!