The Holidays
11 Seasons
Will F Young & Kimberly DiPersia host different guest comedic actors for a sketch a day holiday celebration.
01:04Episode 1
April Fools Day
Episode 1
This is only the beginning...April Fools!
02:32Episode 2
National Film Score Day: April 3rd
Episode 2
Will and Chelsea walk to the beat of New York City and their favorite films...
National Hug A Newsperson Day: April 4th
Episode 3
Will hugs a news person.
01:03Episode 4
National Deep Dish Pizza Day: April 5th
Episode 4
Chelsea and Will sit down at an NYC pizza place and try deep dish pizza. Why in New York? I'm not sure...
00:55Episode 5
National Name Yourself Day: April 9th
Episode 5
Jules teaches Will how to name himself but he's not Gary.
02:25Episode 6
Friday the 13th
Episode 6
It's Friday the 13th and Will, Pagie and Mac are gathered in front of SVA theater thinking they have Mean Girls tickets but actually Avengers is coming out with some Infinity Wars and that's super dope, right?