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Jan. 3rd: J.R.R. Tolkien Day

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Jan. 2nd: Motivation & Inspiration Day

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Jan. 3rd: J.R.R. Tolkien Day

Kim wants to leave the house. However, Marc has declared himself the keeper of the car keys. This is J.R.R. Tolkien Day.

Written by Andrew Robinson

Starring Kimberly DiPersia, Marc Lucia, & Elaine

Jan. 3rd: Humiliation Day

Jenn and Doug are hosting a party for Humanity, but Kim just wants to be Humiliated. Happy National Humiliation Day.

Written by Marc Lucia

Starring Kimberly DiPersia, Jennifer Kalison, & Doug McDowell

Jan. 4th: National Trivia Day w/ Doug

Doug shares trivia about Finland for National Trivia Day, but Kim just wants to know why it’s a holiday.

Written by Doug McDowell

Starring Kimberly DiPersia & Doug McDowell